
We Care...
by familiarizing ourselves with examples of abuse

We've discussed the types, signs, and indicators of child abuse. Now, let's look at some scenarios that provide examples of potential abuse.


Read each scenario and click on the words/phrases that might signal red flags of abuse.

Scenario 1

In this scenario, click on the 2 red flags that indicate a possible case of serious physical injury.

You are working in the campus bookstore and see three young girls from a summer camp trying on sweatshirts. As one girl removes her sweatshirt, you can't help but notice that she has cigarette-like burn marks all up and down her forearms. She notices you looking at her and says, "What? I get punished for playing music too loud at my house! I'm sure I'm not the only kid who has ever been bad!" and turns away. What do you do?

Scenario 2

In this scenario, click on the 3 red flags that indicate a possible case of sexual abuse.

You are an employee at a Penn State recreational facility. A 16-year old whom works at the facility confides in you that her supervisor, who she used to secretly date, sexually assaulted her when she was cleaning the cabins last night. What do you do?

Scenario 3

In this scenario, click on the 7 red flags that indicate a possible case of serious physical neglect.

It is a snowy evening on campus as you are leaving your office. You see a young boy sitting alone on a bench. He does not have a coat, hat, gloves, or boots. You ask him if he is ok. He says that he is waiting for his mom to finish work. Over the next couple of weeks, you continue to see the boy sitting on the bench. On a few occasions you see him digging through trash cans near the bench. He appears sickly. You have growing concern. The next time you see the boy, he looks gaunt and pale. Again you ask him if he is ok. He tells you that he is diabetic and hasn't had his medicine in a while. As you are talking, you notice he has very poor hygiene.

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