
We Act...
by reporting suspected child abuse

Making a Report

The process for reporting child abuse at Penn State is addressed in Administrative Policies AD72 and AD39. Each policy specifically outlines the reporting steps, which are determined by the status of the reporter.

Reporting Process for Penn State Employees (Policy AD72)

As a Penn State employee, you should follow this process UNLESS you are classified as an Authorized Adult (employees or volunteers who work directly with minors).

  1. If you suspect child abuse, immediately call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.
  2. If a child is in immediate danger, first contact police by dialing 911 to obtain immediate protection for the child, and then also call ChildLine.

Reporting Process for Penn State Employees poster

Reporting Process for Authorized Adults (Policy AD39)

If you have been classified by your supervisor as an Authorized Adult (employees or volunteers who work directly with minors), you should adhere to the following reporting process required by Pennsylvania law and Penn State policy.

  1. If you suspect child abuse, inform the program director (department manager/director for noncamp activities) immediately.
  2. Together with your program director, call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.
  3. If a child is in immediate danger, first contact police by calling 911, then call ChildLine.
  4. Work with the program director to complete form CY47 and submit the form to your local county Child Protective Services (CPS) agency within 48 hours.
  5. The program director will also notify Penn State's Risk Management Department that a call has been made to ChildLine. (The Risk Management Department will notify University General Counsel and University Police services that a call has been made to ChildLine).

Special Note

In the following circumstances, you should call ChildLine yourself:

  • if you believe the program director may be involved in the allegations of abuse
  • if the program director (or his/her designee) is unavailable
  • if the program director is unwilling to make the call

Reporting Process for Authorized Adults poster

It is a best practice when you make a call to ChildLine to keep a record of the time, date, and case number of your call.

After a report is made to ChildLine, you may need to cooperate with authorities if further information is needed or an investigation ensues. In the next section, we will discuss completing the CY47 form.

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